Again, my posts have been lacking, but I've been busy with a number of things the past week, the least of which is not Canoe Races of the World. That was originally my planned post for tonight (since it's my day off and I usually have time to post something) but I've had a change of plans.
Today we went to the park to celebrate one of my friend's birthday. She doesn't really like celebrating her birthday, but we decided to go to the Pirates League, which is like the Bibiddi Bobiddi Boutique. Only instead of princess makeovers they do pirate makeovers. Sarah loves pirates, so we convinced her to do this one thing at least.
I was a little nervous since usually the people doing the makeovers are kids and we are obviously not children. But despite my nervousness I'm glad I went because we had so much fun (and by the way, it's wayyyy cheaper than the Boutique too).
First up when you arrive they have you choose the face makeup you want. There's six different styles, and I choose "Empress" which is the pirate princess style. Yes, I have a repressed inner princess and I like sparkle. So even when being made over as a pirate I choose the glitter. Then they bring you into the League and have you roll two dice. The numbers on the dice are combined with your birthday month to give you your pirate name. I was Anne Calicocash, Sarah got Bettie Shipmonk, and Kristin was Kat Squidcheese.
Next they bring you into the studio where they do the makeovers. I snapped a picture really quick while the stations against one wall were empty. I ended up getting that one in the middle right there for mine:

he detailing here is amazing. Just like everything Disney does really. There was pirate themed decorations all over the place, and the cast is really good about staying in character. I want to work this store so bad. Plus, there's pirate music playing all the time, which was awesome. This was what was on the wall above the styling stations:

In other words, plenty to look at while you're waiting your turn. But it's not super busy either (unlike the Boutique) so we got in really fast.
Then came the actual makeover. We each got a pirate temporary tattoo on our sword hands, the makeup effect of our choice, and some other pirate accessories. Since I was the empress I got bright green eyeshadow, rouged cheeks, hot pink nail polish, bright pink lip gloss, a crown jewel sticker for my cheek, one silver pirate earring, and lots and lots of glitter. To top off the look I got a reversible pink pirate bandanna, complete with a pink pirate eye patch (which helped hold the bandanna in place because my hair is HUGE). We then each took the pirate oath and became an official member of the "crew".
Next was a visit to the Bosun's station, where we got our sheaths and official pirate swords and a short lesson in swordplay (i.e. don't hit anyone with your sword or they will hit you back, move it slow so you don't stab yourself, etc.). Then we got let into the secret treasure room where we had a photo shoot (I didn't end up getting the portraits, which were extra) and then receiving our official Pirate's League exclusive pirate coin medallions.
It was super fun. We spent the next few hours trundling around the park, and having lots of fun. And to finish off the post, I'll share a photo of the finished product:

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